db cargo
DB Cargo

Internal safety campaigns achieving National Rail Award recognition.

DB Cargo is the UK’s largest rail freight company transporting everything from cereals to coal and barbecues to biomass to and from mainland Europe via the channel tunnel. With over 2,000 employees in the UK alone, a significant number of whom work remotely, the security of the company’s IT network is of paramount importance. So when DB Cargo wanted to run an extensive internal communications programme promoting IT safety and security, they turned to Wish.


Shortlisted in the prestigious National Rail Awards 2020
Gained European praise from IT departments across the DB group
IT security issues decreased significantly throughout the company

Transport Sector Internal Communications

As with all internal communications campaigns seeking to change behaviours, there is always the risk of patronising or lecturing employees.

Wish were very keen that our campaign would engage employees by making a complex message as fun and easy to remember as possible.

And so, the little monsters were born, a campaign that characterised the top four IT security challenges and drove home simple steps to avoid the ever-present dangers.

db cargo

IT Internal Comms Campaign

Wish kicked the campaign off with a short, animated film introducing the four Little Monsters and how they were looking to attack any user not taking precautions. All employees were invited to the premier of ‘The Screening’, a film that had the feel of a horror movie to drive the points home.

Following up on the ‘movie’, members of staff were reminded about the dangers through display materials across their offices and depots.

Badges were awarded for outstanding security and a Little Monster was featured every quarter for a year in staff newsletters, pop-up banners and computer stickers.

db cargo

The team at Wish are an absolute pleasure to work with. They always take time to really understand our business and what we are trying to achieve with our campaigns. Wish deliver some great creatives and are always there to help even when given an almost impossible timeline! It’s like having an extended team!

Internal Comms Manager,, DB Cargo