The Lockdown-effect
As we approach our eighth full week in lockdown, and the possibility of rules slowly easing, it’s worth reflecting on the changes that this experience has had on us all and just how this will affect the decisions we make and the way we act in the longer term.
People are by nature quick to judge. First impressions still count. And when emotions are involved this is all the more heightened. Consumers will have taken stock of how brands have dealt with Covid-19 and this will no doubt define their public persona for years to come, primarily in the way companies have acted with staff, customers and the community in general.
Those who claim to be purpose-led and not profit orientated, responsible and sustainable are being put to the test.
It would be fair to say that lockdown has pushed forward the issue of brands with a conscience. Consumerism and wanting more may now be replaced by more rational purchase decisions. Consumers will look harder for a connection with the brands they choose, a reason to purchase. Building loyalty and putting out strong positive brand messaging are key.
We’ve all seen the positive environmental effects of lockdown, clean canals in Venice and improved air quality to name just two, and this will serve to further underline the importance of a brands’ sustainable credentials. Make sure environmental policies are clear, up to date and as good as they can be both from a manufacturing perspective as well as a delivery and service standpoint.
There is no denying that everyone has embraced technology even further during our imposed time at home. To reach friends, family, essential food and other purchases as well as work colleagues and customers. We have been even more connected in some ways. The number of amazing initiatives from companies and individuals to connect, supply and support has been amazing. We won’t be looking back. So, it’s crucial to make sure your brand is visible online, easy to find with clear messages across all platforms but also with something to say. Make connections, take part in the conversation.
And last but not least we have all felt a sense of community and a real strength in the safety of home and familiar surroundings. Home has very much been where the heart is, despite not having everyone you might want in it, and for a while this will very much be front of mind. Ensure your brand can relate to this, how it fits into the ‘new’ home environment, be that working at home (WFH) or home schooling or a place to learn new skills or just feel safe. See the Virgin ad below.
CSR has never been so important as it is now. We have all been doing our bit and that goes for companies and brands too. So, keep up the support, look at where you can be most useful, be visible and do the right thing.
Marketing is often overlooked in times of trouble, but it is actually the time to focus in and get your strategies streamlined and on track. Contact Wish if you’d like to revitalise your strategy.
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